Enhancement of MENR’s capacity in implementing and measuring the impact of energy efficiency awareness raising activities and strategies towards households

Project area
Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency
Project manager
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
(To be implemented under joint management with the World Bank)
Tender documents are being prepared.
EU contribution (euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
Enhancement of MENR’s capacity in implementing and measuring the impact of energy efficiency awareness raising activities.
Achieved results / expected outputs
Preparation of a roadmap for harmonisation with EU’s eco-design and labelling regulations in Turkey; design of a monitoring and calculation tool for energy savings potential of replacement of inefficient household appliances;
Development of a purchasing guide and a calculation tool for public procurement of energy efficient products including office equipment, lighting, household appliances and consumers electronics; organisation of trainings on preparing communication strategy and plans, awareness raising and PR campaigns;
Auditing of household loads, investigation of demand side participation and load shifting potential of household appliances as well as analysis of their possible impact on the national electricity load curve; determination of monetary savings potential of load shifting by consumers; calculation of national level load shifting potential.
Awareness raising activities towards households including preparation of a communication plan and design of a public awareness campaign. Development of pre/post surveys for households considering the socio-economic and geographical factors to assess level of household awareness on energy efficiency and key drivers of consumption habits of households; application of the survey on a selected group of households; conduction of awareness raising activities; re-application of the survey on the selected households; development of a consciousness index to measure level of awareness;
Development of a sustainable energy efficiency financing mechanism for replacement of inefficient household appliances, office equipment, lighting, and consumers electronics; review of current situation and incentive schemes; identification of barriers; review of international best practices; recommendations on legislative and financial reforms.