

European Union (EU) Programmes or Union Programmes are one of the main tools for implementing EU policies. The aim is to ensure that the EU policies achieve their objectives by promoting cooperation between the member states and between the member states and the countries associated to the programmes. The EU Programmes are designed in line with the policies objectives of the EU in all areas of the acquis such as environment, energy, digitalization, education, culture, research, science, innovation etc.

The conditions for Türkiye’s participation in Union Programmes are set out in the “Framework Agreement between the Republic of Türkiye and the European Community on the General Principles of the Participation of the Republic of Türkiye in Community Programmes” signed on 26 February 2002. Accordingly, a separate association agreement is signed for each programmes. .

Individuals, businesses/SMEs, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), public institutions, and universities can benefit from the EU Programmes via partnership/cooperation projects prepared in line with the general policies and strategies described in the work programmes, guidelines and the calls for proposals for each programmes. As the EU Programmes aim to foster cooperation between countries, applications to the programmes should generally be made together with partners from different member states and countries associated to the programmes

The EU Programmes are implemented in the framework of the seven-year general budget of the EU, the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF), pursuant to the legislation adopted by the European Parliament and the Council. The programmes are implemented by the relevant directorates-general, executive agencies of the European Commission and/or national agencies, which publish the calls for proposals. The budget for the programmes is allocated from the EU’s general budget and associated countries contribute to the programmes overall budget on a yearly basis

With the “Presidential Circular No. 2019/20 on the Management of Pre-Accession Funds to be Received from the EU and Participation in EU Union Programmes” published on 4 October 2019, the EU Programmes and Agencies Board was established under the chairmanship of the Director for EU Affairs with the participation of senior managers of relevant institutions. The Board is responsible for giving decisions for participation in new programmes and monitoring of implementation.

At the meeting dated 27 October 2020, it was decided in principle to continue to participate in the 2021-2027 Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and Horizon Europe Programmes, Civil Protection Mechanism which are currently implemented in Türkiye. Efforts for Türkiye’s participation in EU programmes, such as Single Market, Digital Europe, Creative Europe, Customs Programmes during 2021-2027 are ongoing.