III PERIOD (2021-2027)
Pre-Accession Financial Assistance provided by the EU to candidate countries will continue in the IPA III period covering 2021-2027. It is planned that the projects to be supported in the IPA III period will be funded by the European Commission subject to “relevance” and “maturity” criteria. Relevance means that the project proposed by the beneficiary institution should have a topic related to EU harmonization process of Türkiye, complement the shortcomings that the institution needs to overcome within the scope of the EU harmonization process, and be aimed at the transfer of good practices and examples from the EU member states. Project proposals that pass the relevance stage are subject to a maturity assessment. In the maturity assessment, priority is given to the projects which can be tendered quickest as possible and ready to start implementation.
Thematic Frameworks and Priority Areas for IPA III
In the IPA III period, there are 5 Thematic Frameworks and different Thematic Priorities under these frameworks. Each institution can prepare and propose IPA projects in Thematic Priorities in line with their mandate and competence. Project proposals can be made with the support of the responsible lead institution in case of relevance to the Thematic Framework and Priority Areas below.
Detailed information on the legal framework of the IPA III period can be found in the documents below.