Implementation of Turkish Qualifications System and Framework Operation (TUYEP)

Priority area
Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA)
48-months direct grant (Direct Grant for Certification-II)
36-months Technical Assistance
18-months grant scheme (VOC-Test Centers-III Grant Scheme)
25 November 2019-24 November 2022
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
To strengthen the capacity of National Vocational Qualification System, VQA and related stakeholders, to enhance the implementation of the Turkish Qualifications Framework, to support the establishment of VOC-Test Centres, and to provide a qualified workforce to the labour market by supporting individuals getting VQA Vocational Qualification Certificates.
Achievements / expected outputs
50.000 VQA Vocational Qualification Certificates were given to individuals within the scope of the direct grant component.
Activities were provided on capacity building for VQA and its stakeholders, quality assurance, implementation and management of Turkish Qualifications Framework, capacity building for VQA Portal and awareness raising.
20 authorized certification bodies were established within the scope of VOC-Test Centers-III Grant Scheme.