Improvement of performance-based tariff regulation of EMRA for Turkish energy markets through introducing an enhanced monitoring system

Priority area
Market integration and development of energy infrastructure
Project manager
Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA)
19 months
April 24, 2019 – November 24, 2020
EU contribution (euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
Increasing EMRA’s capacity to determine effective tariffs and to monitor the market by developing a performance based tariff mechanism, including the social tariff.
Achievements / expected outputs
Analysis of the current tariff structure, also market surveillance regulations and identification of gaps and obstacles through workshops and study visits.
Providing recommendations and trainings to improve the tariff surveillance system of the energy market (about electricity and gas)
Providing recommendations for the addition of mechanisms that encourage R&D and innovation in energy markets.
Developing electricity and gas tariff structure, through workshops and trainings.
Preparing smart grid roadmap for electricity and natural gas markets and organizing workshops.
Preparation of the disadvantaged consumer action plan (based on social tariff) on the electricity and natural gas market by organizing workshops with the relevant stakeholders.
Preparation of recommendations for the social pricing methodology to be implemented by other stakeholders.
Advice on the tariff structure in order to increase the efficiency of the supplier of last resort system in the Turkish electricity market.
Development of the consumer complaint mechanism and work on pricing calculations for its outputs
Supporting EMRA's capacity by developing a new performance based tariff calculation mechanism, including the social tariff.