Turkey – EU Business Dialogue

Priority area

Democracy and Governance / Civil Society




30 months
July 2018 – July 2021

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Developing capacity of chambers and stock markets in Turkey, founding new partnerships with chambers and stock markets in EU and benefitting from new opportunities is being enabled. The project will also contribute to modernise the Customs Union.


Through 19 projects from 26 countries in Turkey, partnerships are being established between professional associations in EU countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic and Greece.

Achievements / expected outputs

In addition to technical support, the project also includes a 2,5 million Euro grant program, all of which are EU contributions. With this grant program, grant support from 50.000 to 150.000 Euro is provided to our chambers and exchanges. Nearly 100 applications were received for the grant program and 19 of them were funded.