Jean Monnet Scholarship Program

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs
2 years, it is a constantly recurring project
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
The objective is to support academic studies about EU alignment process in Turkey and EU acquis with a scholarship program.
Scholarship students are being accepted from all around Turkey and students get the opportunity to receive education in all EU countries.
Achievements / expected outputs
Supplying school fees (up to 20.000 Euro) and life expenses of students who will make academic activities and making one-time payment up to 3000 Euro for various expenses such as visa and travel.
Increasing the number of people knowledgeable about the EU acquis and developing the necessary administrative capacity.

Strengthened Civic Engagement and Volunteerism for Enhanced Democratic Local Governance in Turkey

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
Ministry of Interior – Union of Municipalities of Turkey
24 months
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
The main objective of the project is to develop cooperation and sustainable dialogue at local level between civil society organizations and public institutions in Turkey. The specific aim of the project is to encourage volunteering at local and national level.
Achievements / expected outputs
The project includes activities such as developing a civil participation strategy and a two-year action plan for civil society organizations, evaluating local participation mechanisms, improving the decision-making capacity of civil society organizations and local authorities, and preparing a framework legal document for volunteering.

Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Dialogue Between Turkey and the EU – Phase II

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
30 months
2019 – 2021
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
Within the scope of the program, the restoration of Sinop Historical Prison will be completed and a grant program will be carried out to develop dialogue in the field of culture and arts.
Restoration area is Sinop, though the grant program covers whole Turkey.
Achievements / expected outputs
With the grant program with a total budget of 3 million Euro; it is aimed to develop international cooperation on cultural heritage and promote cultural values in Turkey; encourage civil society dialogue through culture, art and cultural heritage. In this context, it is aimed to promote cross-border cooperation and support networks in the fields of culture and art including creative sectors and cultural heritage issues among civil society organisations in Turkey and the EU.

Grant Scheme for Civil Society Support Programme – III

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
Directorate for EU Affairs
24 months
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
CSSP III Grant Program aims to strengthen the institutional structures, the capacity to participate in decision-making processes and networking skills of civil society organizations.
Achievements / expected outputs
Within the scope of the program; a minimum of 60,000 Euros and a maximum of 100,000 Euros of grant support are provided for projects to be developed by foundations, associations and federations and confederations of foundations from Turkey, and non-profit cooperatives and non-profit organizations from EU member countries.
Projects aimed to improve the administrative and financial sustainability, communication and advocacy skills, active participation in decision-making processes and transparency and accountability of civil society organizations are supported.

Turkey – EU Business Dialogue

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
30 months
July 2018 – July 2021
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
Developing capacity of chambers and stock markets in Turkey, founding new partnerships with chambers and stock markets in EU and benefitting from new opportunities is being enabled. The project will also contribute to modernise the Customs Union.
Through 19 projects from 26 countries in Turkey, partnerships are being established between professional associations in EU countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic and Greece.
Achievements / expected outputs
In addition to technical support, the project also includes a 2,5 million Euro grant program, all of which are EU contributions. With this grant program, grant support from 50.000 to 150.000 Euro is provided to our chambers and exchanges. Nearly 100 applications were received for the grant program and 19 of them were funded.

Technical Assistance for Implementation of Civil Society Dialogue and Civil Society Support Programmes

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
Directorate for EU Affairs
36 months
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
The main purpose of the project is to support the implementation of the “Civil Society Dialogue” and “Civil Society Support Program” projects, which have been implemented continuously within the Directorate for EU Affairs.
Turkey and grant beneficiary EU Countries
Achievements / expected outputs
Increasing the operational capacity of non-governmental organizations; thus supporting the formation of accountable, effective and autonomous civil society organizations with high representation ability.
In project scope; there are many activities such as organizing civil society meetings across the country, training civil society organizations, preparing evaluation reports, making monitoring visits and reorganizing the monitoring information system.

Local CSOs Institutional Support Program (TOGETHER)

Priority area
Democracy and Governance / Civil Society
Civil Society Development Center
24 months
2017 – 2019
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
The program was developed and implemented as a sub-grant program within the scope of the “Strategic Capacity Building for Local CSOs” Project carried out by CSDC, again with EU funding.
Adana, Antalya, Samsun, Ankara, Denizli, Kırklareli, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin, Çanakkale, Diyarbakır, Bursa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Giresun, Kars
Achievements / expected outputs
In the TOGETHER Support Program, local CSOs receive institutional grant support up to 30.000 Euro and national CSOs receive up to 36.500 Euro. They also benefited from a corporate mentoring program that served their corporate development for two years.
Based on CSDC's 15-year capacity building experience, the Program has been designed with flexibility to respond to different needs of organizations. In this respect, the Program differs significantly from common grant programs. CSOs have benefited from the grant opportunity under the TOGETHER Support Program, regardless of a specific project activity. Therefore, the Program has provided a fund that they can use for institutional fixed expenses, which is an important problem for local CSOs for many years.
On the other hand, TOGETHER attracts attention not only as a grant program but also as a support program that provides guidance to CSOs.

Town Twinning between Turkey and the EU (Twinning for a Green Future)

Priority area
Democracy and Governance
Directorate for EU Affairs
Union of Municipalities of Turkey
Union of Provinces
2 years, 2022-2024
EU contribution (Euro)
Brief description of the project and main objectives
Town twinning between Turkey and the EU (Twinning for a Green Future) aims to establish long lasting relations between local authorities in Turkey and the EU to protect the environment and fight climate change
Local authorities in Turkey and EU member states
Achievements / expected outputs
Establishment of partnerships between the local authorities in Turkey and the EU,
Networking visits via grant scheme and non-financial support,
Planning documents developed on climate and environment-based topics,
Capacity building trainings,
Development of roadmaps on climate financing
Also, up to EUR 100.000 support for the beneficiaries under the grant scheme.