Energy Sector Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı Merkezi Finans ve İhale Birimi Supply of Starters and Vortex for modification of Conventional Starter Systems of Gas Turbines to Turbine Starter and Using Vortex for Decreasing Pressure at Regulation and Metering Stations (RMS)Supply of Equipment for Photovoltaic Applications for BOTAŞ and TEMSAN and some municipalitiesFeasibility, engineering and cost estimation studies for Flare Gas Recovery(FGR) System for BOTAŞImprovement of TEİAŞ’ planning-related activities, R&D implementations, transmission and generation planningSupport for Implementation of the Legislation on Transparency and Competition in the Natural Gas Market and Establishment of the Natural Gas Transparency PlatformEnhancement of MENR’s capacity in implementing and measuring the impact of energy efficiency awareness raising activities and strategies towards householdsSupply of Equipment for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Support for the MunicipalitiesEnhancement of institutional capacity in energy efficiencyImprovement of performance-based tariff regulation of EMRA for Turkish energy markets through introducing an enhanced monitoring systemSupply of Equipment for Improvement of Gas Network InfrastructuresTechnical Assistance for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Support for the Municipalities and Universities