
Category Energy Sector

Supply of Starters and Vortex for modification of Conventional Starter Systems of Gas Turbines to Turbine Starter and Using Vortex for Decreasing Pressure at Regulation and Metering Stations (RMS)

Project area

Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Partner institutions

Petroleum Pipeline Company (BOTAŞ)


Tender documents are being prepared.

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Replacement of conventional starter systems of gas turbines in BOTAŞ’s compressor stations with efficient starter systems;
Supply of pressure reduction vortex equipment to be used in pressure regulation and measurement stations of BOTAŞ.


BOTAŞ facilities in different cities

Achieved results / expected outputs

Increasing energy efficiency in BOTAŞ's compressor and pressure reduction and measurement facilities by installing and using starter and vortex equipment.
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Supply of Equipment for Photovoltaic Applications for BOTAŞ and TEMSAN and some municipalities

Project area

Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Partner institutions

Adıyaman, Sivas and Isparta Municipalities


Tender documents are being prepared.

EU contribution (euro)

5,539,450 (BOTAŞ TEMSAN)
2,925,300 (Municipalities)

Brief description of the project and main objectives

Installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems to BOTAŞ and TEMSAN sites and some municipality premises for provision of electricity,hence promoting use of renewable energy


Nine local sites of BOTAŞ and TEMSAN
Municipalities of Adıyaman, Sivas and Isparta.

Achieved results / expected outputs

Pilot renewable energy applications on different sites of BOTAŞ and TEMSAN and some municipalities for self-consumption purposes to increase the use of renewable energy
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Feasibility, engineering and cost estimation studies for Flare Gas Recovery(FGR) System for BOTAŞ

Project area

Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
(To be implemented under joint management with the World Bank)

Partner institutions

Petroleum Pipeline Company (BOTAŞ)


Tender documents are being prepared.

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Feasibility, engineering and cost estimation studies for establishing flare gas recovery system of BOTAŞ


To be determined later.

Achieved results / expected outputs

Feasibility and cost estimation studies for establishing a flare gas recovery system for BOTAŞ.
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Improvement of TEİAŞ’ planning-related activities, R&D implementations, transmission and generation planning

Project area

Market integration and the development of energy infrastructure

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
(To be implemented under joint management with the World Bank)

Partner institutions

Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEİAŞ)


Tender documents are being prepared.

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Improvement of TEİAŞ’ planning-related activities, R&D implementations, transmission and generation planning



Achieved results / expected outputs

Assessment of TEİAŞ’ R&D Unit’s organisational structure and operations; preparation of needs analysis and feasibility study report for improvement of TEİAŞ’ R&D restructuring;
Assessment of TEİAŞ’ generation planning; training for TEİAŞ staff regarding new types of generation planning methodologies and practices; needs assessment and a feasibility study report for improvement of TEİAŞ’ generation planning;
Assessment of TEİAŞ’ transmission planning; training for TEİAŞ staff regarding new types of transmission planning methodologies and practices; needs assessment and a feasibility study report for improvement of TEİAŞ’ transmission planning;
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Support for Implementation of the Legislation on Transparency and Competition in the Natural Gas Market and Establishment of the Natural Gas Transparency Platform

Project area

Market integration and the development of energy infrastructure

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
(To be implemented under joint management with the World Bank)

Partner institutions

Energy Market Regulation Authority (EMRA)


Tender documents are being prepared.

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Supporting implementation of the legislation on transparency and competition in the natural gas market and establishment of the natural gas transparency platform



Achieved results / expected outputs

Training of EMRA staff on drafting legislation on transparency and competition in the natural gas markets and the legislation on natural gas market transactions;
Following impact assessments and internal and external consultations, preparation of draft legislation on transparency and competition in the natural gas market and on natural gas market transactions; preparation of a road map for the improvements to be made in the market to provide better transparency and a more active and liquid market; organisation of multi-stakeholder workshops
Design and development of a software/platform to monitor natural gas market transparency and transactions.
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Enhancement of MENR’s capacity in implementing and measuring the impact of energy efficiency awareness raising activities and strategies towards households

Project area

Renewable Energy and Improvement of Energy Efficiency

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
(To be implemented under joint management with the World Bank)


Tender documents are being prepared.

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Enhancement of MENR’s capacity in implementing and measuring the impact of energy efficiency awareness raising activities.



Achieved results / expected outputs

Preparation of a roadmap for harmonisation with EU’s eco-design and labelling regulations in Turkey; design of a monitoring and calculation tool for energy savings potential of replacement of inefficient household appliances;
Development of a purchasing guide and a calculation tool for public procurement of energy efficient products including office equipment, lighting, household appliances and consumers electronics; organisation of trainings on preparing communication strategy and plans, awareness raising and PR campaigns;
Auditing of household loads, investigation of demand side participation and load shifting potential of household appliances as well as analysis of their possible impact on the national electricity load curve; determination of monetary savings potential of load shifting by consumers; calculation of national level load shifting potential.
Awareness raising activities towards households including preparation of a communication plan and design of a public awareness campaign. Development of pre/post surveys for households considering the socio-economic and geographical factors to assess level of household awareness on energy efficiency and key drivers of consumption habits of households; application of the survey on a selected group of households; conduction of awareness raising activities; re-application of the survey on the selected households; development of a consciousness index to measure level of awareness;
Development of a sustainable energy efficiency financing mechanism for replacement of inefficient household appliances, office equipment, lighting, and consumers electronics; review of current situation and incentive schemes; identification of barriers; review of international best practices; recommendations on legislative and financial reforms.
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Supply of Equipment for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Support for the Municipalities

Priority area

Renewable energy and improving energy efficiency

Project Manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Partner institutions

Metropolitan municipalities of Denizli, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, Manisa, Şanlıurfa and Trabzon


22 months- March 17, 2019 – January 28, 2021

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Supporting the use of renewable energy and investments in energy efficiency by municipalities.


Denizli, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, Manisa, Şanlıurfa and Trabzon

Achievements / expected outputs

Support the use of solar and hydropower facilities in municipalities, Support the use of renewable energy in municipal services and ensure the efficient use of electricity by providing high-performance water pumps
Increasing the ''use of renewable energies and energy efficiency in municipalities
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Enhancement of institutional capacity in energy efficiency

Priority area

Renewable energy and improving energy efficiency

Project manager

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources


24 months- March 19, 2019 – March 19, 2021

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Improving the institutional capacity of the Ministry in the field of energy efficiency (EE).



Achievements / expected outputs

Training of staff working in the Energy Efficiency Department of the Ministry,
Development of a methodology and a model in the field of energy efficiency.
Update of the Energy Efficiency Portal (ENVER)
Strengthening the capacity of the Energy Efficiency Department to develop energy efficiency strategies and forecast for the future in accordance with European Union Directive 2012/27/EU.
Development of a methodology for calculating the potential for energy savings and a model for energy efficiency projections.
Development of the Energy Efficiency Portal (ENVER) by adding new modules that will provide more data to operators for statistical processes.
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Improvement of performance-based tariff regulation of EMRA for Turkish energy markets through introducing an enhanced monitoring system

Priority area

Market integration and development of energy infrastructure

Project manager

Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA)


19 months
April 24, 2019 – November 24, 2020

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Increasing EMRA’s capacity to determine effective tariffs and to monitor the market by developing a performance based tariff mechanism, including the social tariff.



Achievements / expected outputs

Analysis of the current tariff structure, also market surveillance regulations and identification of gaps and obstacles through workshops and study visits.
Providing recommendations and trainings to improve the tariff surveillance system of the energy market (about electricity and gas)
Providing recommendations for the addition of mechanisms that encourage R&D and innovation in energy markets.
Developing electricity and gas tariff structure, through workshops and trainings.
Preparing smart grid roadmap for electricity and natural gas markets and organizing workshops.
Preparation of the disadvantaged consumer action plan (based on social tariff) on the electricity and natural gas market by organizing workshops with the relevant stakeholders.
Preparation of recommendations for the social pricing methodology to be implemented by other stakeholders.
Advice on the tariff structure in order to increase the efficiency of the supplier of last resort system in the Turkish electricity market.
Development of the consumer complaint mechanism and work on pricing calculations for its outputs
Supporting EMRA's capacity by developing a new performance based tariff calculation mechanism, including the social tariff.
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Supply of Equipment for Improvement of Gas Network Infrastructures

Priority area

Market integration and the development of energy infrastructure

Project manager

Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAŞ)

Duration (month) + Start and End Dates

24 months
December 7, 2018 -December 1, 2020

EU contribution (euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Increasing the sustainability and reliability of the natural gas transmission network.


Ankara and various local stations

Achievements / expected outputs

Establishment and operation of a modular data center in the gas network system where data is collected from distribution points, also from compressor stations and pipeline valves
Acquisition and installation of new data center security products to add to the SCADA system
Establishment of steady state network simulation software, GIS data acquisition and network optimization capability
Obtaining real-time networking simulation software to enable it to operate online and offline
Procurement of a demand forecasting software compatible with the SCADA system to collect data simultaneously
Uzak terminal birimlerinin (RTU) ve yedeklerinin alınması
Taking remote terminal units (RTU) and their backups. Increasing the sustainability and reliability of the natural gas transmission network
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