
Category Operational Sector for Environment and Climate Action

Environmental Management for Sustainable Development / Environment and Climate Action

Priority area

Environmental Management for Sustainable Development / Environment and Climate Action


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Duration: start/end

42 months
September 2021 – March 2025

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

The purpose of the project is to strengthen Turkey’s capacity for the preparation of River Basin Management Plans in accordance with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) which is stated as one of the closing benchmarks of the Environment and Climate Change Chapter.


Antalya, Batı Karadeniz, Doğu Akdeniz, Doğu Karadeniz, Kızılırmak and Marmara Basins.

Elde Edilen Sonuçlar / Beklenen Çıktılar

Making progress on the fulfilment of the closing benchmark of the Environment and Climate Change Chapter.
Preparation of the legislation for strengthening the current institutional structure to apply the requirements of Basin Sectoral Water Allocation Plans and River Basin Management Plans.
Determination of environmental and health impacts of the implementation of environmental quality standards in Doğu Akdeniz Basin.
Improving institutional and public capacity.
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Protection of Waters Against Agricultural Pollution Through Establishment of A Monitoring and Reporting Methodology for The Nitrate Action Plans

Priority area

Environmental Management for Sustainable Development / Environment and Climate Action


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF)

Duration: start/end

24 months
December 2021 – December 2023

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

The purpose of the project is to establish the monitoring methodology of the implementation of Nitrate Action Plans in nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZs) in line with the EU Nitrate and Water Framework Directives.


Ankara ve ilgili nehir havzaları

Achieved results / expected outputs

Establishing Nitrate Action Plans monitoring methodology and integrating into Nitrate Information System (NIBIS).
Increasing technical capacity of MoAF central and provincial capacity to reduce the nitrate pollution in NVZs.
Raising awareness of local communities.
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Technical Assistance To Enhance The Capacity of AFAD In The Adaptation and Reduction of Disaster Risks Resulting from The Climate Change In Turkey

Priority Area

Environmental Management for Sustainable Development / Environment and Climate Action


Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD)

Duration: start/end

30 months
March 2020 – September 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

The purpose of the project is to determine the risks for potential disasters, to benefit from the findings for the efforts to reduce the losses and to build capacity in reducing risks and developing technical, financial and planning options for increasing the climate change adaptation capacity and the resilience of stakeholders in line with EU and international policies.


Ankara and pilot area(s) to be selected

Achieved results / expected outputs

Establishing necessary technical and human resources capacities to identify the potential hazards and risks and adaptation capacity associated with disasters to be induced by climate change in AFAD.
Increased local capacity and public awareness to prepare local disaster action plans to avoid, manage and adapt to disasters induced by climate change in the selected pilot regions.
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Sorgun Wastewater Treatment Plant Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Sorgun Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 20 months
December 2020 – August 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant.
Improving the water quality of Eğriöz River via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.


Sorgun (Yozgat)

Achievements / expected outputs

With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2048.
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Çankırı Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Çankırı Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 27 months
February 2022 – May 2024

Wastewater Collection System 24 months
December 2021 – December 2023

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
Improving the water quality of Acıçay and Tatlıçay creeks via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through construction of wastewater network.



Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047..
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Rize Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Rize Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 27 months
April 2021 – July 2023

Wastewater Collection System 24 months
March 2021 – March 2023

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
Improving the water quality of Black Sea via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through construction of wastewater network.



Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Hakkari Integrated Solid Waste Management Project

Priority area

Waste (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Hakkari Municipalities and Special Provincial Administration Solid Waste Management Union


36 months
April 2020 – April 2023

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Providing efficient, affordable and sustainable waste management services to member municipalities of Hakkari Municipalities and Special Provincial Administration Solid Waste Management Union.
Preventing environmental pollution and contribution to improvement of public health



Achievements / expected outputs

Sanitary landfill, rehabilitated dump sites, collecting and sorting facility, composting facility, leachate treatment plant, medical waste sterilization plant.
With the project, the needs of the region in terms of integrated solid waste management services will be met until 2049.
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Giresun Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Giresun Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 27 months
December 2021 – March 2024

Wastewater Collection System 24 months
December 2021 – December 2023

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
Improving the water quality of Black Sea via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through construction of wastewater network.



Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Doğubayazıt Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Doğubayazıt Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 26 months
December 2021 – February 2024

Sewerage and Stormwater Network Systems 24 months
December 2021 – February 2024

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant, sewerage and stormwater network systems.
Developing a feasible wastewater management system by providing sewerage and stormwater network and wastewater treatment plant that provides reduction of pollution of receiving environment.


Doğubeyazıt (Ağrı)

Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant, sewerage and stormwater network systems.
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Bandırma Integrated Water Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality – General Directorate of Water and Sewerage Administration (BASKİ)


Wastewater Treatment Plant 27 months
August 2021 – November 2023

Water Supply and Wastewater Collection Systems 24 months
June 2020 – June 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant, water supply and wastewater collection systems.
Improving the water quality of Marmara Sea via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through replacement of the wastewater network and decreasing water losses and shortages in water distribution system by means of constructing water reservoirs and transmission lines.


Bandırma (Balıkesir)

Achievements / expected outputs

Water supply system, wastewater network and collectors.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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