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Giresun Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Giresun Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 27 months
December 2021 – March 2024

Wastewater Collection System 24 months
December 2021 – December 2023

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
Improving the water quality of Black Sea via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through construction of wastewater network.



Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Doğubayazıt Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Doğubayazıt Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 26 months
December 2021 – February 2024

Sewerage and Stormwater Network Systems 24 months
December 2021 – February 2024

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant, sewerage and stormwater network systems.
Developing a feasible wastewater management system by providing sewerage and stormwater network and wastewater treatment plant that provides reduction of pollution of receiving environment.


Doğubeyazıt (Ağrı)

Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant, sewerage and stormwater network systems.
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Bandırma Integrated Water Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality – General Directorate of Water and Sewerage Administration (BASKİ)


Wastewater Treatment Plant 27 months
August 2021 – November 2023

Water Supply and Wastewater Collection Systems 24 months
June 2020 – June 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant, water supply and wastewater collection systems.
Improving the water quality of Marmara Sea via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through replacement of the wastewater network and decreasing water losses and shortages in water distribution system by means of constructing water reservoirs and transmission lines.


Bandırma (Balıkesir)

Achievements / expected outputs

Water supply system, wastewater network and collectors.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Yüksekova Wastewater Treatment Plant Project

Priority area

Water (Infrastructure Related Activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Yüksekova Municipality


30 months
June 2020 – December 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Wastewater treatment plant construction
Improving the water quality of Merkez Creek via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.


Yüksekova (Hakkari)

Achievements / expected outputs

With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Niksar Integrated Water Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Niksar Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 24 months
April 2021 – April 2023

Water Supply and Wastewater Collection Systems 24 months
May 2020 – May 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant, water supply and wastewater collection systems.
Improving the water quality of Kelkit creek via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.
Overcoming the operational problems in the sewerage system through construction of wastewater network.


Niksar (Tokat)

Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant, water supply and wastewater collection systems.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Union of Kastamonu Local Administrations (KASMİB) Integrated Solid Waste Management Project

Priority area

Waste (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Union of Kastamonu Local Administrations (KASMİB)


15 months
July 2020 – October 2021

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Rehabilitation/relocation of 15 wild dumpsites and construction of leachate treatment plant at the central landfill
Providing efficient, affordable and sustainable waste management services to member municipalities of KASMİB Union
Preventing environmental pollution and contribution to improvement of public health



Achievements / expected outputs

5 sites rehabilitated in Kastamonu, Taşköprü, Tosya, İnebolu, and Seydiler
Leachate treatment plant with a capacity of 120 m3/day
With the project, the needs of the region in terms of integrated solid waste management services will be met until 2050.
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Trabzon Water Supply Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Trabzon Water and Wastewater Administration (TİSKİ)


48 months
March 2020 – March 2024

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of water supply system
Providing sufficient and continuous drinking water to the population according to EU standards and reducing water losses from leakages.


Ortahisar (Trabzon)

Achievements / expected outputs

With the construction of water supply system, the needs of the region in terms of drinking water services will be met until 2047.
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Sivas Kızılırmak Right and Left Banks Wastewater Collector Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Sivas Municipality


26 months
October 2020 – December 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of new wastewater collector lines and connection to the existing wastewater treatment plant.
Contributing to the improvement of public health by reducing the pollution load in Kızılırmak River



Achievements / expected outputs

With the construction of Kızılırmak right and left banks wastewater collectors, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Kastamonu Wastewater Treatment Plant Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) Environment and Climate Action


Kastamonu Municipality


27 Months
December 2019 – March 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant
Improving the water quality of the Karaçomak Creek (which merges to Gökırmak and then to Kızılırmak river) via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.



Achievements / expected outputs

With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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Iğdır Wastewater Project

Priority area

Water (infrastructure related activities) / Environment and Climate Action


Iğdır Municipality


Wastewater Treatment Plant 24 months
July 2020 – July 2022

Wastewater Collection System 24 months
July 2020 – July 2022

EU contribution (Euro)


Brief description of the project and main objectives

Construction of wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collection system
Improving the water quality of Aras River via reducing pollution load caused by untreated wastewater discharge in the existing situation and contribute to improvement of public health.



Achievements / expected outputs

Wastewater treatment plant and wastewater collector network.
With the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, the needs of the region in terms of wastewater treatment services will be met until 2047.
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